Entire Court From Warm Springs Confederated Tribes
By Steve Lent, Crook County Historian
The Crooked River Roundup of 1953 featured Queen Annabelle Queahpoma and her court was all members of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. It was the first all Indian rodeo court for the Roundup. The Warm Springs Confederated tribes had been frequent participants in the Crooked River Roundup proceedings and the round up board believed it would be a fitting honor to recognize the tribes by selecting the young women from the Confederated Tribes.
Annabelle was born on the reservation in 1935. Her parents were Hartman and Edith Queahpama. She was selected as queen for the Roundup and her court consisted of fellow Confederated Tribe members Marcilene Charlie, Martha Smith, Della Smith and Doris Squimphen. The queen and court represented the roundup in official events and wore native regalia in the roundup parade.
The Confederated Tribes of Warms Springs were active participants in the Roundup parade and set up tepees at the fairgrounds for the rodeo events. They participated in festivities for many years. The appearance of tribal elders with chief bonnets of feathers riding horses was a popular attraction for the parades.
Annabelle was also selected to the court for the Centennial of the Middle Oregon Treaty in 1955. The event was part of the Confederated Tribes celebration of the treaty signed in 1855. Annabelle married Warren Clements on Sept 6, 1958. She has lived her entire life on the Warm Springs Reservation.